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Far Cry 5 - Deluxe Edition Arabic Edition (Xbox One)
- FAR CRY® 5 game with special Deluxe key art.
- A double-sided tourist map of Hope County featuring points of interest and key locations
- The Original Soundtrack of the Game
The Digital Deluxe Pack which includes early access to a range of equipment, vehicles, weapons and consumables to lead the resistance and fight against The Project at Eden’s Gate.
- The BIG GAME HUNTER PACK gives the player access to the Big Game Hunter Compound Bow, the Big Game Hunter ATV, and the Big Game Hunter Outfit.
- The ACE PILOT PACK gives the player access to the Ace Pilot 1911 handgun, the Ace Pilot Helicopter, and the Ace Pilot Outfit.
- The EXPLOSIVE PACK: A full package of additional consumables with 4x Dynamite, 4x C4, 4x Grenades and 4x Proximity Mines.
- The CHAOS PACK: A full package of additional consumables with 4x Fast Buffs, 4x Furious Buffs, 4x Molotov Cocktails and 4x Animal Bait.
- AR-C Assault Rifle & .44 Magnum Handgun with unique skins